Cúcuta - Barrios Comuna 8
(Los Olivos y La Primavera)
Cúcuta has the second Highest unemployment rate in Colombia, which ranges between 13-16% and the highest level of informality that reaches 70%. In addition to this, its geographical location and the lack of access roads mean that this capital has little access to new technologies and industries that boost the economic development of the region.
In the Commune 8 of the city of Cúcuta we are in the neighborhoods Los Olivos, Antonia Santos, Belisario, Sabana Verde whose population lives in underprivileged conditions and with difficulties of access to housing, food, work opportunities and education.
→ Passes of Hope
→ Sponsorhip Program
→ Health and Wellness
→ Athletics League Norte de Santander
→ Rugby League Norte de Santander
→ Bancolombia Foundation
→ Simon Bolivar University
→ 4 Coaches
→ 3 Social Workers
→ 5 Volunteers
→ Soccer
→ Rugby
→ Athletics
El Tarra, Norte de Santander
This municipality is located in the heart of the El Catatumbo region, one of the rural areas with the most armed conflict in the country due to control disputes over illicit crops. Its population, unfortunately, is a victim of violence, and its children and young people are, in many cases, victims of forced recruitment. We are currently working in collaboration with the NGO Foundation 2/10 of El Tarra, so that children and young people of this municipality have an opportunity to have a better quality of life and hope for a future without violence and reconciliation.
→ Passes of Hope
→ NG Fundación 2/10
→ Coaches
→ Social Workers
→ Soccer
Nueva Venecia
This corregimiento is located in the municipality of Sitio Nuevo, one of the less favored municipalities of the department of Magdalena, in the Colombian Caribbean. Nueva Venecia-El Morro, is a palatitic population in the middle of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, with enormous deficiencies in all socio-economic areas.
We are intervening with children and young people from this population, giving them an opportunity, not only for non-conventional education, but also for health issues.
→ Passes of Hope
→ Health and Wellness
→ Clínica Oftalmológica del Caribe
→ Procaps Foundation
→ Nu 3 Foundation
→ Alianza Colombofrancesa de Barranquilla
→ 4 Coaches
→ 6 Volunteers
→ 1 Psychologist
→ 1 Intern
→ Soccer
Magnolia Park, Community Family Center (CFC).
Located in the eastern part of the Houston metropolitan area, Magnolia Park was the largest Mexican settlement in Houston in the 1930s. Recently, the community hosts the great majority of Latinos, mainly from Mexico and Central America, with social and economic difficulties.
Since 2017, Juventud Lider Foundation (JLF) has been working in this area with the Community Family Center of Houston, a non-profit organization that provides family support, early childhood education and youth services.
Houston EEUU
Event and Volunteer.
→ Houston Community Family Center
→ Houston Dynamo Charities
→ Conoco Phillips Hispanic Network
→ 20 Volunteers